Ministries, Groups and Organizations


Knights of Columbus – Is an international group for men seeking to serve our Parish and the Church universal. They strive to help Catholic men to be holy men, husbands and fathers and provide many social activities in the parish and in the larger community.

Legion of Mary – offers two memberships.  Active members do works in the community and Auxiliary members offer prayer support at their home only. Active members meet every Wednesday for prayer and spiritual growth at 7pm.

Catholic Women’s League – The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God. The women meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. They are engaged in a host of activities; spiritual, social, fundraising and charitable.


Altar Servers – Altar Servers assist the celebrant during Mass and other liturgies. This ministry is for boys and girls starting in grade 4 and older.

Choirs – The choirs and instrumentalist lead the congregation in singing at the Sunday Mass and other liturgies throughout the year. We have several choirs at St. Thomas; one for each of the Sunday Masses.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word – is for children in grades JK – 1 at the both the 9:00 & 11:30 am Sunday Masses. Adult leaders help the children with the Mass readings and discuss them in an interesting and exciting way.

Lectors – Are mandated by the Bishop to proclaim the Word of God during our liturgical celebrations.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – offer the Eucharist during Mass, and bring Communion to the shut-ins.

Ushers/Ministers of Hospitality – are the men and women who help to keep order before, during and after Mass. They greet you upon your arrival; help you find a good seat when the church is full; pass around the collection baskets; and distribute the Parish bulletin after Mass.

Prayer Chain – Parishioners in need of prayer for themselves or loved ones contact the chain leader (Parish Nurse) who sends out the prayer request to all the praying members.