Come join our Parish Family!
Belonging to a parish community is an essential element in the life of faith as a Catholic and a Christian. It connects you with the good work and inspiring teaching of Christ’s church—it is the body of Christ in the world, and we are called to be a part of it!
Our Lord welcomes everyone, and so we welcome. Jesus’ actions and words resound with welcome. The crowds go out to Him precisely because they feel welcome – because Jesus speaks of forgiveness; He favors the poor and outcast; He touches the untouchable. In Simon the Pharisee’s house, He welcomes the repentant woman. He rebukes the disciples who prevented the children from coming to Him. He welcomes the cries of blind Bartimaeus, when the crowds sought to silence Him. And, quite spectacularly, He welcomes Himself to the home of Zacchaeus, a tax collector despised by many.
It is irrefutably true that through participation in the mass one’s faith is nourished through receiving God’s Word & the Blessed Sacrament; but membership opens up for each of us an avenue of greater involvement in the programs of learning and prayer, and in the outreach ministry that helps spread God’s offer of grace, mercy and hope beyond the parish building. Christ welcomes us into a fuller life in him, and we share in that welcome to you.
Click on the registration form below. There are two ways you can fill it out.
1. Download the PDF. Fill out the Editable PDF, save it and email it back to us.
2. Open it, print it, fill it out and drop it off. You can put it in the offering basket during Mass, or come by the parish office Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm Friday 8:30 am – 12:00 noon.